MSN Style Pop Alert!
Any trader knows the importance of the Alerts in any MQL4 program.
For instance: The 10 days moving average has been crossed the 80 days moving average upward! You have to buy now! You have to be alert!
What about the MSN Style Popup alert? Yes!
My new alert method is a MSN Style pop alert.
How to install the package:
The package contains 4 files and you have to put each of them in the proper folder:
Pop.exe and Popup.dll
You have to copy them to C: drive.
Copy this file to /experts/include folder.
This is a script to demonstrate how to use the program. Copy it to /experts/script folder.
Note: If you want to copy Pop.exe and Popup.dll to another folder and not the C: root you have to change the directory in the code of calling the Pop function.
How to use the program:
The script Pop_Demo.mq4 is an example of using the program.
To call the alert you use this line:
pop ( string msg , string installed_dir)
For example: if you installed Pop.exe and Popup.dll to C: drive and want to pop the text “Hi world!” you can use this line of code in your mql4 program:
pop (“Hi world!”, "c:");
This is the package, however, you have to be a user in to get the all the new tools and their updates.
Submitted by codersguru on Tue, 2006-03-14 18:25.