• Imagen 1 Harmonic Pattern Detection Indicator
    This interesting Meta4 indicator combine the optimized Kor-Zup indicators, together with other tools like Pivot target and Double MACD will help you with a powerful Harmornic Chart Pattern detector, it can detect all available patternHERE

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Hiya, hope youve enjoyed the last few days showing some trades - however i'm now ready to play serious money again so I wont be posting the trades anymore to avoid the blog pressure.

Have fun.


COMMENT 16:29 innit marvelous - the wife wants taking to do some shopping and you miss the best trade of the day!


COMMENT 14:47 trade hit stop, closed for +17

Autoblog - Trade Change 14:23 GBPUSD at 1.96720000 stop is 1.96550000 Autocomment: moved to next level of resistance

Autoblog - Trade Change 14:21 GBPUSD at 1.96720000 stop is 1.96720000 Autocomment: stops to break even


COMMENT 14:24 never forget to add spread when in a short - its easy to look at a chart and see a peak and place your stop there - always remember that a chart price is BID


COMMENT 13:41 stopped out +17 pips

Autoblog - Trade Change 12:33 GBPUSD at 1.96450000 stop is 1.96620000 Autocomment: locking some profit in

Autoblog - Trade Change 12:17 GBPUSD at 1.96450000 stop is 1.96560000 Autocomment: locking some profit in

Autoblog - Trade Change 11:58 GBPUSD at 1.96450000 stop is 1.96450000 Autocomment: stop to break even - day is getting slow now

Autoblog - Trade Change 11:22 GBPUSD at 1.96450000 stop is 1.96290000 Autocomment:


COMMENT 11:19 last trade closed at -15 - took another long - got to be careful here - starting to feel like i'm trading erratically because of news. still have the feeling that cable will rise but then i shouldnt be acting on feeling - hmmm, not really felt like this for a long time. my main reasons have all been technical but I am breaking a few rules this morning so got to be careful


Autoblog - Discretionary Long Trade 11:6GBPUSD at 1.96450000 Stop at 1.96150000 Take Profit at 1.97450000 Comment: autocomment:

Autoblog - Trade Change 11:0 GBPUSD at 1.96570000 stop is 1.96420000 Autocomment: moving stop to obvious support


Autoblog - Discretionary Long Trade 10:43GBPUSD at 1.96570000 Stop at 1.96270000 Take Profit at 1.97570000 Comment:

Autoblog - Trade Change 9:53 GBPUSD at 1.96660000 stop is 1.96570000 Autocomment: stop moved up, please note timestamp is MIG time of GMT+1


COMMENT Trade stopped out for -9 pips

Autoblog - Trade Change 9:45 GBPUSD at 1.96660000 stop is 1.96500000 Autocomment: stop moved to first area of support


Autoblog - Discretionary Long Trade GBPUSD at 1.96660000 Stop at 1.96360000 Take Profit at 1.97660000first trade of the day then


COMMENT just noticed this blog has the time wrong - its showing the last posts as 8 31 and it was in fact around 8 23 - this one is being sent at 8.27 and i dont know what it will say - guessi will have to also put a timestamp in the comments


now, as you can see from the attached picture the stop was moved before the trading comment mail was sent - but for some reason the first mail arrived after the second mail so it looks like i moved the stop after it closed.

i guess that's the problem with blog by email!

Autoblog - Trade Change GBPUSD at 1.96400000 stop is 1.96530000 Autocomment: stop moved up to next identified support level


COMMENT trade closed on stop at 1.9653 for +13 pips - nice little tester trade

Autoblog - Trade Change GBPUSD at 1.96400000 stop is 1.96400000 Autocomment: stop to break even, free ride now

Autoblog - Trade Change GBPUSD at 1.96400000 stop is 1.96330000 auto-comment: Moving stop up to next support level


Autoblog - Discretionary Long Trade GBPUSD at 1.96400000 Stop at 1.96100000 Take Profit at 1.97400000 autocomment:testing a long then - cant resist - trading starts proper tomorrow

Autoblog - Trade Change GBPUSD at 1.96400000 stop is 1.96210000 auto-comment: stop moved to close support

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