Trading - starting again for the winter
Well, it's winter time again.
Now that the clocks have gone back I'm going to start some discretionary trading again and so i thought you might like to be amused also.
Sometime in the next month i will be visiting New York City so if you live there lemme know and you can come and smack me around a bit for pissing you off :)
Anyway, trading.
What I will be doing this season is taking you on my journey to develop a new trading method which fuses discretion with auto trading. Unfortunately I will be unable to give you the expert advisors that i develop and use however i will explain in what they do so you can make your own and follow along.
The method I am looking at to begin with this season is a breakout method. All the trades i highlight in here will be taken on a live account and I will be posting screenshots explaining exactly my thought processes as to why i take the trade etc etc.
So, after such a long absense you may be thinking "why" and "what's the catch"
Well, there isn't one. This is free and clear training from an experienced trader. I have so many hecklers because I used to sell systems and books etc - they say I was a rip off and they heckle me still.
Well, that's their right. What you will find though is that these hecklers can't trade for toffee and I can.
There are people who bought my 'Hilda' system who slag me off and say it did not work - well aint it always the case that those who cannot trade blame everyone but themselves. Hilda worked and still does - but just because you buy a system which is expensive does not mean that YOU will be able to trade it. 95% of all those who enter the trading arena fail - that probarbly means that 95% of any group of people will fail in forex - wether it's bankers, artists or system buyers.
Happily 95% didnt fail with Hilda and I have a good relationship with many buyers who are hungry for more knowledge, so welcome back to the classroom :)
Even those wankers who slag me off will be reading this and checking the blog every day - why? because despite their hatred for me they know a good trader when they see one - and I am.
That may sound conceted and arrogant and i'm sure many are saying - 'here we go again' but the plain fact is that I can trade. I make my living at this complex simple game and a good living it is too.
I trade other people's money in the millions and i make them money too for which I am rewarded. If you are looking for someone who walks their talk then you've come to the right place. Sometimes my talk is hard and some people get upset - well I would just like to say something before we start.
If i offend anyone - regardless of creed, colour or religious background - regardless of your sex, sexual preferences, location in the world, age or language, I would really like to let you know that I dont give a flying fuck if I offend you.
I'm here to make money for me and my clients. It's not a popularity contest it's pure capitalism and I like it. I like my free speech and I like having a dig at things.
Basically if you don't like it then buggar off now before we really get to the nitty gritty. :)
By the way, am I the only one that finds yesterday's news story Ironic?
A black lady was on the news preaching about Gun Crime because her son was shot in Liverpool. Well i'm sorry love but don't ya just think it's a little ironic that you called your son Jessie James and then act shocked when he gets shot? What's his brother called, Frank?
Anyway, onto trading. My next post will explain the kind of trades that i'm playing with at the moment and what i look out for - if you dont like my attitude then sign the guestbook and then piss off - if you do and you wanna learn something then sign the book anyway because i might just password protect this ere blog very soon just for the fun of it and welcome along.
I expect lots of comments as we make our journey and dn't be afraid to be forthright - I do like a good debate.
Gotta go out now and spend some money - check back for my first trading post :)